(20 marks)
Answer all questions.
1. Which of the following is an example of the statement that mathematics is an art?
(A) Mathematics is full of interesting shapes
(B) Mathematics uses many kinds of artistic symbols
(C) Mathematics knowledge is used to produce designs
(D) Mathematics problem solving requires the use of creative thinking
2. More than 2000 years ago, a mathematician found an amazing fact about right-angled
triangle as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
If we make a square on each of the three sides of a right-angled tiangle, the area of the
biggest square is exactly the same as the sum of the area of the other two squares!
Who is this mathematician?
(A) Euclid
(B) Pythogaras
(C) Al-Khwarizmi
(D) Rene Descartes
3. Measurement is part of the study of mathematics in the primary school.
Which of the following is an example of the study of measurement?
(A) Areas
(B) Triangles
(C) Calculations
(D) Problem solving
4. When teaching the topic Data Handling, Mr Arujuna asked his class of Year 5 pupils to
collect practical data by measuring the height of all pupils in the school. He then introduced the
idea of average and guided his pupils to calculate the average height for every class in the
school. Finally, he got the pupils to think of ways to use diagrams to represent the average
heights of all the classes in the school.
What value in mathematics did Mr Arujuna incorporate into this lesson?
(A) Control
(B) Rationalism
(C) Objectivism
(D) Openness
5. Which one of the mathematics curriculum in Malaysia was implemented before the modern
mathematics syllabus?
I. Compensatory Project
II. New Primary School Mathematics
III. Integrated Primary School Mathematics
IV. Integrated Secondary School Mathematics
6. Changes in mathematics curriculum in Malaysian educational system are parallel to those
of other countries:
I. mechanical processes
II. deductive reasoning
III. mathematical processes
IV. content and process skills
Which of the following hierarchies shows this development?
7. Pupils should learn for understanding. Which of the following will encourage understanding
in mathematics?
I. mechanical problems
II. one step problems
III. mental arithmetic
IV. story problems
V. non routine problems
(A) I and II only
(B) IV and V only
(C) I, II and III only
(D) III, IV and V only
There are five people in a room and each person shakes every other person’s hand exactly one time. How many handshakes will there be?
Which of the following is the best strategy that can be used to solve the above problem?
(A) Simulation
(B) Guess and check
(C) Working backwards
(D) Simplify the problem
9. Integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in mathematics education
is useful to facilitate learning of mathematics.
In what way does the integration of ICT benefit pupils?
(A) Access information from any place
(B) Inculcate the moral values of mathematics
(C) Participate actively in chatting through the internet
(D) Learning mathematics through computer software
10. Which of the following statements about the Integrated Curriculum for Primary Schools (KBSR) Mathematics curriculum is true?
(A) Communicating mathematically is not one of the emphases in the primary school.
(B) The KBSR Mathematics curriculum emphases abstract mathematical concepts.
(C) Mathematical thinking is developed through assessment activities on a regular basis.
(D) Teaching and learning activities build pupils’ attitudes and appreciation towards mathematics.
11. Assessment should be an integral part of the learning process in KBSR Mathematics. Which of the following classroom practices support this statement?
I. monthly tests
II. summative tests
III. daily exercises
IV. yearly examinations
V. projects
(A) I and II only
(B) III and V only
(C) I, II and IV only
(D) III, IV and V only
12. Which of the following statements regarding the Integrated Curriculum for Secondary Schools (KBSM) Mathematics curriculum is true?
(A) The curriculum develops basic mathematical skills.
(B) The curriculum emphases summative evaluation.
(C) The curriculum develops mathematical language through oral and written activities.
(D) The curriculum emphases the inculcation of the intrinsic values of mathematics over moral values.
13. The KBSM Mathematics Syllabus was planned according to the following aspects except
(A) to achieve equilibrium between the understanding of concepts and the mastering of skills
(B) to apply mathematics skills in actual situations
(C) to utilize mathematics skills learned in problem solving
(D) to enable the students to excel in their examination
14. A group of people who share a specialized vocabulary and terminology, as well as ways of expressing and communicating information about topics of interest is known as
(A) a social community
(B) a database community
(C) a discourse community
(D) a professional community
15. The National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) is a teachers’ association to protect teachers and the teaching profession in Malaysia. Which of the following is not the objective of NUTP?
(A) It helps the Government to control the teachers.
(B) It helps to improve the social welfare of teachers.
(C) It helps to improve the image of the teaching profession.
(D) It helps teachers to fulfil the National Philosophy of Education.
16. Mrs Loo believes that a relaxed atmosphere is conducive for learning. Thus, when teaching Mathematics, she always tries to create a classroom environment that her pupils will feel physically comfortable and psychologically safe to interact and exchange ideas.
Which of the following roles as a Mathematics teacher, is Mrs Loo playing?
(A) As an ‘architect’.
(B) As a ‘composer’.
(C) As a ‘ship captain’.
(D) As a ‘movie director’.
17. Miss Devi is a Mathematics teacher. As a life long learner, she wishes to upgrade her professional knowledge.
Which of the following would help her to achieve her aspirations?
I Participate in seminars
II Attend in-service courses
III Conduct educational research
IV Enhance her ICT and internet skills
V Install the latest mathematics software
(A) I and II only
(B) IV and V only
(C) I, II, and III only
(D) III, IV and V only
18. In the new academic year, you are assigned to teach a class of Year 1 pupils, Mathematics in English. You find that your pupils do not understand English at all as English is not their mother tongue. What is the most appropriate way for you to deal with the situation?
(A) Teach the pupils Mathematics in their mother tongue only for the whole of Year 1.
(B) Teach the pupils both Mathematics in English and the English language required to
learn the Mathematics simultaneously.
(C) Teach the pupils only the English language for the first three months and then start
to teach them Mathematics in English after that.
(D) Teach the pupils Mathematics in their mother tongue for the first half of Year 1 and
then gradually teach them the Mathematics terminology in English.
19. Some weak pupils cannot cope with Mathematics in normal schools because they
are left behind by their peers who are more advanced.
How is this problem addressed in the teaching of Mathematics in Smart schools?
(A) Weak pupils are given less work than their advanced peers so that they can cope.
(B) Weak pupils are given extra classes so that they can master the skills that they are
weak in.
(C) The use of courseware allows advanced pupils to progress while weak pupils get
more attention from teachers.
(D) The Smart schools have a special curriculum for weak pupils who do not study the
same set of skills as their peers.
20. Which of the following is the main benefit of integrating Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) in mathematics education?
(A) Pupils can use calculators to compute answers to problems.
(B) Pupils can use software to explore concepts and relationships.
(C) Teachers can demonstrate solutions more effectively on a projector.
(D) Teachers can save time by using applications software to prepare slides.
(40 marks)
Answer all the questions.
1. KBSR Mathematics is the most recent Malaysian mathematics curriculum.
(a) List out its three basic strategies.
(3 marks)
(b) List out its two complementary strategies. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(c) Define one basic strategy. Discuss briefly a specific KBSR
Mathematics task using this strategy. Also discuss a related task using a complementary strategy.
(5 marks)
2. Higher order questions require more thinking and generate more discussion. Reconstruct the following questions to promote pupils’ talk.
(a) Is 28 a multiple of 3?
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(b) What is 78 + 65?
( 2 marks)
(c) What is
of 24? _____________________________________________________
(2 marks)
(d) What shape is this?
(2 marks)
(e) Is this a triangle?
(2 marks)
3. Simple calculator can help teachers to overcome weaknesses in KBSR Mathematics tasks given to pupils.
(a) Lists five common weaknesses in mathematical tasks given by teachers.
(5 marks)
(b) Choose one of these weaknesses. Briefly describe how a simple calculator could overcome this weakness.
(5 marks)
4. The Malaysian Ministry of Education develops the Smart School concept as an effort to upgrade the quality of Malaysian schools to world-class standard.
(a) Explain two of the objectives of Malaysian Smart School.
Objective 1:
(2 marks)
Objective 2:
(2 marks)
(b) There are six major components in the Malaysian Smart School as outlined in the Smart School Conceptual Blueprint. Explain three of the major components of the Smart School.
Component 1:
(2 marks)
Component 2:
(2 marks)
Component 3:
(2 marks)
(40 marks)
Answer two questions only.
1. (a) Mathematics plays a crucial role in our lives. Clarify with examples the importance of mathematics to
(i) you as an individual;
(4 marks)
(ii) the development of Science and Technology.
(4 marks)
(b) Historical records show that man started to use symbols to represent numbers about 5000 years ago. One of the early numeration systems that had been developed in human civilisation is the Egyptian numeration system.
(i) Briefly describe the features of the Egyptian numeration system.
(4 marks)
(ii) Compare and contrast the Egyptian numeration system with the present Hindu-Arabic numeration system.
(6 marks)
(iii)Explain why the Hindu-Arabic numeration system is more superior to the Egyptian numeration system.
(2 marks)
2. (a) The New Curriculum for Primary Schools (Kurikulum Baru Sekolah Rendah) was reviewed and revised according to the objectives of the National Education Philosophy and VISION 2020. The name of this revised curriculum was changed to Integrated Curriculum for Primary school.
Explain the four important changes in this mathematics curriculum.
(8 marks)
(b) Various mathematics projects were planned and implemented by many western countries, especially Britain and the U.S.A. Some of these new mathematics curriculums had made impacts in the development of mathematics curriculum in Malaysia.
(i) Name four of these related projects.
(4 marks)
(ii) Explain the impact of each project to mathematics curriculum in Malaysia.
(8 marks)
3. (a) Making connections is one of the five pillars in mathematics education. Discuss how it could be practiced to encouraged creativity in KBSR Mathematics.
(10 marks)
(b) Problem solving is another pillar in mathematics education. Discuss how this approach can be practiced to encouraged creativity.
(10 marks)